
Cover image for: 如何安装手机网络摄像头:哪种安装最好

因此,您正在考虑将手机或平板电脑用作网络摄像头。您可能有电缆。我们希望您有迷彩 。也许您需要一个支架或支架。我几乎买了市场上每种类型的摊位,甚至尝试用我在房子周围的东西建造一些临时摊位。在本指南中,我将介绍哪些可能对您有用,以及原因。




  • 具有良好的稳定性。您需要能够像平常打电话一样打字、单击和使用计算机,而手机不会晃动,甚至不会从支架上掉下来。
  • 让你看起来不错。第一步是使用 Camo,它可以让您使用手机内置的令人难以置信的摄像头作为网络摄像头。就安装而言,您希望将其放置在计算机屏幕附近。与一个似乎没有看着你的人交谈是令人不安的。您还希望能够让您的坐骑与您的脸部大致平行;太低,通话中的其他人都会盯着你的鼻孔;太高了,它会指向你的身体。
  • 让您轻松安装和拆卸手机。除非您使用的是 Camo 专用手机,否则您还会想将手机用于其他用途,因此能够轻松设置和拆卸手机非常重要。
  • 不会导致任何太永久的结果。您可能不想将磁盘粘在智能手机上,或者将笨重的车载支架粘在 iMac 上。
  • 保持紧凑。当您不将手机用作网络摄像头时,您可能不希望桌面上出现一块笨重的塑料碎片。
  • 看起来不像是可怕的眼神。奖励积分,如果看起来不错。




经过测试的产品:EVERESTA 42英寸360英寸智能手机三脚架UK £19.54, 相似的美国产品 $ 25.49

Using a tripod behind a 16 inch MacBook Pro.
在16英寸MacBook Pro后面使用三脚架。


关于光线,如果您的桌子照明还不够好,您可以购买带有内置环形灯的三脚架,但我发现这些通常是低质量的三脚架,附有低质量的灯环,所以您可能最好使用常规、稳定的三脚架并使用标准灯、手机闪光灯(您可以使用 Camo 控制)或仅使用窗户(或太阳,如果您在室外)的自然光,以提高光照水平。


You can use a tripod to the side of your computer if you don’t have space behind it. It’s more obvious that the camera is off to the side on the iMac than the Macbook



测试产品:Jumkeet Gooseneck Phone Holder, 英国18.99 美元


Here’s this flexible arm being used with a 16-inch Macbook Pro and an iMac. When used with a laptop, you can get a better angle than the built-in webcam, which is always going to be under your face, rather than parallel to it.
这是用于 16 英寸 Macbook Pro 和 iMac 的灵活臂。与笔记本电脑一起使用时,您可以获得比内置网络摄像头更好的角度,内置网络摄像头始终位于您的脸下方,而不是与其平行。



I attached the mount to a computer stand on the left, and directly to the back of a monitor on the right.


经过测试的产品:MPOW仪表板车载电话支架, 英国, 8.99英镑, 相似的美国产品, 10.99美元


Suction cup mounts might work for your car, but they’re not going to work on your computer


经过测试的产品:FLOVEME磁性车载支架US $ 13.99, 英国 £12.16

Using a sticker/magnet mount with the telephoto lens of the iPhone XS Max
在iPhone XS Max的远摄镜头上使用贴纸/磁铁座

任何直接连接到显示器的支架都可以让您的手机网络摄像头靠近内置网络摄像头的位置,为您的通话提供良好的角度。这些类型的安装座的主要变量是它们如何连接到您的计算机和手机。在我尝试过的直接安装方式中,桌面用户的最佳选择是上图所示的贴纸/磁铁安装方式。您可以将其粘贴到计算机背面,并可以将磁铁添加到廉价手机壳的背面,以快速连接和取出手机以进行通话。 (继续阅读以了解为什么您不想将其直接粘贴到手机上。)


磁性和 MagSafe 安装座


磁铁,它们是如何工作的?不管怎样,它们都能让你的 iPhone 从网络摄像头支架上安装和拆卸变得非常容易。有些安装座非常简单,仅由两块磁铁组成。一个用于 iPhone 背面,另一个用于显示器或笔记本电脑背面。您只需将 iPhone 贴在电脑上,然后在通话结束时将其取下即可。虽然此处评测的贝尔金支架不能通过磁铁连接到笔记本电脑,但它使用 Apple 的 MagSafe 功能,可以快速轻松地连接您的 iPhone。然而,所有这些的一个缺点是它们的角度仅限于屏幕的角度。

Belkin 的 MagSafe 安装座仅适用于 iPhone 和 MacBook 用户,与 macOS Ventura 的连续性相机功能一起发布。当然,关于连续性如何与迷彩相比,还有很多话要说,但我也一直期待着对这个坐骑进行测试,看看它与本指南中探讨的其他解决方案相比如何。它已经领先于该类别中的其他安装座的一件事是不必将像银水蛭这样的磁铁连接到我的笔记本电脑上。

正如预期的那样,贝尔金牢固地连接到了我用于本次测试的 iPhone 13 和 iPhone 13 Pro Max 中间的圆形 MagSafe 区域。我喜欢它可以轻松地横向或纵向定位,尽管从一种方向更改为另一种方向需要从笔记本电脑屏幕上移除设置,然后用力扭转安装座或完全移除以重新定位它。正如贝尔金网站上的视频所示,在安装时旋转手机,如果不将整个装置从其位置上敲下来,就无法复制。尽管 MagSafe 连接牢固,但它不会卡在任何特定的轴上。有时,当支架看起来与手机的方向完全平行时,我发现当将其安装在屏幕上时,它不平衡,必须重新调整。除了虚幻的贝尔金视觉效果之外,没什么大不了的。

将支架放置在屏幕顶部相当简单,有一个小塑料脚,可以折叠起来并挂在笔记本电脑的顶部。我在 14 英寸 MacBook Pro 和 13 英寸 MacBook Air 上测试了该支架,毫不奇怪地发现,它更适合较厚的 Pro 框架。也就是说,在狭窄的空气中并没有感觉特别危险。

在这两款笔记本电脑上,将相机镜头与屏幕中心对齐很简单,这比侧面安装解决方案在保持良好视线方面有很大优势。不过,由于它仅适用于 MacBook,因此除了最矮的用户之外,所有人都无法避免从不吸引人的低角度拍摄视频(当手机纵向安装时,情况会稍微好一些,因为相机镜头更高)。

 Having the mounted phone placed below you may be fine for informal video conversations, but for professional purposes I would recommend that you place the laptop on some books or a box to raise the phone lens to eye level.

如上所示抬起笔记本电脑也与实用性有关 - 它使笔记本电脑的屏幕尽可能接近垂直,我发现在使用此类中的所有支架时,这一点相当重要。正如您所期望的,将 iPhone 这样的大东西悬挂在 MacBook 屏幕的顶部或侧面,当屏幕偏离垂直方向时,重心会发生相当大的变化。

本着科学的精神,我尝试测量安装两部 iPhone 中的任何一部后,两台笔记本电脑的屏幕开始向后塌陷的精确角度。使用测角仪,我发现对于 MacBook Pro/iPhone 13 Max 的组合,对我来说保持稳定的最广角约为 113°。 iPhone 13 的角度稍微扩大到 119°。


总之,我很欣赏贝尔金支架方便的尺寸和质量,如果我在 MacBook 上进行大多数非正式的视频通话,我可以看到自己只需将其固定在我的 iPhone 上,以便于运输和快速部署(集成环/支架也很不错,尽管它并没有真正影响我日常携带和使用手机的方式)。但这款支架无法成为全面推荐的原因是,它需要额外小心才能防止我的笔记本电脑猛地打开或关闭,以及它对 iPhone(以及后来的 MagSafe 几代)和 MacBook 的特殊性。正如 Camo 跨平台和设备工作一样,我们理想的安装座适用于台式机和笔记本电脑,以及新旧 iPhone 和 Android 设备。

此类别中的其他安装座也因易用性和紧凑性而得分,但它们几乎没有留下可变性的空间 - 一旦您将磁铁固定到位,那就是您需要固定网络摄像头的地方。尽管这些磁铁固定得很好,但在笔记本电脑上打字时还是会出现很小的晃动(实际上,使用内置网络摄像头时不会有更多晃动)。与贝尔金一样,它们最好在屏幕尽可能接近垂直的情况下使用;但是,对于这些,您还需要将磁铁粘在手机(或手机壳)和计算机上。如果这个想法让你感到恐惧,那么你就会想要寻找一种不同类型的依恋。

If you’re going to stick anything on your laptop, a magnet will be less bulky than a car mount, but be aware that they might be difficult to remove.

我将磁铁粘在 iPhone 的硅胶外壳上,而不是直接粘在手机或皮套上(因为贴纸可能会损坏皮革,而且我不想冒险标记我的手机),以下是当我去掉了磁铁:

Good thing I didn’t stick it directly to my phone! I removed this eventually with a little bit of oil, but it wasn’t fun.


I had to use the Selfie camera rather than attach it backwards (the left shows the attachment you want) so the quality of the picture was reduced.

我尝试的第二个磁性安装座更加灵活。 IMstick 手机支架由一个连接到电线上的磁铁和一个粘在手机背面的金属盘组成。


It’s a little hard to see in the picture on the left, but I attached the mount to my computer by looping the wires over the front and around the back.




经过测试的产品:YUYITEK手机支架, 英国 £14.99, 美国 $ 14.99


Using this slotted holder with the phone in landscape and portrait. It takes a bit of maneuvering to get the phone at the right angle, and you risk jogging it out of the holder as soon as you start typing.


I didn’t try this slotted holder on my laptop, as I felt the clip could cause damage to the screen. Reviewers of this product seemed to have the opposite problem.


经过测试的产品:Zhiyun Smooth 4 3轴手持式云台稳定器, 英国 £89.00, 美国 $ 99.00

I tried out this gimbal with a 16 inch Macbook Pro and an iMac.
我用16英寸Macbook Pro和iMac尝试了此云台

我尝试使用万向节作为网络摄像头,但这是一个非常不切实际的选择。万向节的高度不可调节,因此您的相机要么对于屏幕来说太高,要么太低(如上图所示,这在笔记本电脑上比在台式机上效果更好一些,但两者都不是)是理想的)。是的,您的万向节将使您的手机在握持时保持稳定,但是,如果您在说话时没有移动网络摄像头,那么此功能对于网络摄像头来说确实没有任何好处。另外,我使用的云台经常会自动关闭,导致手机掉落,并且将iPhone XS Max插入云台时不断触发SOS呼叫。您还需要在通话之前为万向节充电。




  • Apple 闪电底座US $49.00, 英国,£49.00
  • 苹果智能键盘开本UK £179.00, 美国 $ 179.00


Both of these options might work a little better on a laptop, but there’s no getting around the unflattering angle.

临时/ DIY


I made this stand in about 3 minutes by cutting a slot in the top of a coffee cup. You could also use a small cardboard box.





我们的办公时间是格林威治标准时间周一至周五上午9点至下午5点。 时间目前是 6:37 PM的 GMT。



评论 (19)

SmallRig also makes a variety of mounts and cages that can work if you are using a spare phone and want something more permanent. Their magic arm combined with any number of other desk, ceiling, tripod mounts can be perfect for any situation.

I found my old Samsung NOTE and S20 Ultra make amazing cameras - even with cracked screens :-)

One note for me, I found that some tables/mounts are prone to shock and can make the camera bounce... just something to be aware of.

Thank you Dean! We put a stabilization mode into Camo (it's under the "framing" options) to deal with issues we saw in wobbly tables and standing desks.

The two best mounts I've found (for me) are from Doolkin on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09WTD517N/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A303MVJ19XSJH1&th=1


The first has a great feature in you can remove the arm and buy another magnet and use it on multiple devices. The one issues is that you may not get as much adjustment on the angle so make sure you mount it after testing the angle.

The second one has a mount that allows you to swivel it all the way around which means I can use either the selfie camera or the back cameras! But, it is a sticker mount and isn't removable to move to another device. That may not be a big deal but I've messaged the manufacturer and asked them to combine the two. That with Camo Studio would be AMAZING.

Its not an amazon find, and its often out of stock - but for 24.99 canadian this mount/ring light combo from Ikea is pretty solid - ive been using it for a while, and the ring and arm use 1/4" - 20 threads, so in theory you could use them with a ton of photography clamps etc.



Just as this article does, I was also looking to find the "best" way to mount a phone on a laptop or monitor. I guess the difference is that I was not willing to buy and try all the mounts available out there :). Nonetheless, thanks for the great, in-depth review.

All that said, I thought I would develop one myself, starting with a few requirements. It has to work in any setting: primarily on laptops and monitors but also on standup tables and workbenches, in the car, on a server rack, on a wall and other furniture. It must be usable with any type of phone, whether in a case or without one. It must have exactly zero tightening knobs or levers. It must be cool - for some reason (I am guessing the reason is cost) all mounts I've seen are monochromatic or in a gray scale at best. Anyone with enough patience and some minimum engineering skills :) should be able to make one at home using common materials. The design must be easy to update and the changes easily implemented.

The result is a 3D-printed phone mounting system. If you're curious to see, I placed some pictures on my web site: https://rail-mounted.com/.

There's a contact page on that site if you want to let me know your thoughts.

Thanks, gabriel

Great article and a lot of helpful suggestions, just none of them worked for me.

I ended up using some velcro locking strips I had around the house.

I was able to cut a strip in half and mount my iPhone SE (1st gen) on top of my monitor. This is a clean look and no wobble. Also, low cost.

Thank you so much for this article. Buying anything is such a hassle for me, and this is exactly the sort of homework I do before getting anything. Appreciate it!

An expensive alternative but one worth considering if you want to add a mic and you are using an M1 based Apple computer is the Sennheiser MKE 200 Mobile Kit

Another vote for Mountie. Been using for over a year with my iPhone 11 then 12 and never had any issue with it pulling my Macbook screen down. I usually mount it to the top so that the camera is directly above the Facetime camera. Fantastic.

This is seriously one of the most thoughtful articles I have seen any brand/company post. This is exactly what I was looking for. Having just paid for lifetime premium, I was looking for a more permanent solution to attach a spare phone to my LG 5k display. I ended up choosing the FLOVEME Sticker mount, as it was perfect for my use case.

In general, I am blown away at the attention to detail and app quality, both on iOS and MacOS, with Camo. I am excited for more amazing development from this team on this product. I hope more and more people support your team. Great work

Hi - have you checked out the Mountie or Mountie+ by Ten One Design?

I've had my eye on them for a while now, and having just signed up for Camo today also treated myself to a Mountie. Will let you know how well it works once it arrives in a few weeks.

Thank you, please do! We're wary of devices like Mountie that clip to the screen. As we noted in the article, these pulled our laptop screen down or pulled the laptop over, and they put the device to one side of the screen, rather than just above the eyeline. That said, if you have one of the smaller phones and one of the larger laptops, it'd probably be fine. Just don't damage that screen!!!

I've been using a selfie-stick velcro-strapped to my monitor stand (LG 5K) It's a little wobbly when adjusting, but it's height-adjustable and I can flip the phone around easily.

I don't usually comment on articles, but this one was so well written and really helped me, thank you so much!

Hey cool -- I was messing around with my own setup for videos/blogging and was thinking there has to be other ways to use my old iPhone as a webcam.

Currently using a desk mount - but intrigued by what you put on the monitor mounts and mechanical arms.


Hey, our pleasure. 👍

Really helpful article. Thank you so much!

Thank you! 👍

This article rules -- super great stuff!

Thank you! 🙂

Brilliant article - put me, I hope, on the right track!

An incredibly well-researched and resourceful article. Thank you for saving us hours of time from being drowned in endless “recommendations” and marketing websites

Great article, but an important note about your TL;DR recommended flex arm. The clip that hold your phone is pretty shallow and if you have a case of any substance at all on your phone, you'll struggle to keep it in there. Mine is relatively minimal, but thick enough that if I jiggle my desk a bit, my phone will sometimes come shooting out of it. Taking my case on and off negates a lot of the convenience of the spring-loaded clip in the first place.

Studio Neat's Glif is a bit pricey, but impossible to beat for quality and function and works with any case you could imagine: https://www.studioneat.com/products/glif

I took apart a $5 gooseneck lamp and glued a 1/4" tripod thread to make a Gif-based mount I'm pretty pleased with overall. FWIW.

Thank you! Great tip. 🙂

Another webcam mount: https://www.amazon.com/AboveTEK-Aluminum-Folding-Display-Reception/dp/B074PFVVBH

Thank you!


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